Alright, so I am now three posts deep. I guess this would be a good time to share a little more about myself.
I come from a very christian, southern baptist family. I am the middle child of an older brother and younger sister. Regardless of what my first post may imply, I love my family and am so fortunate to have come from such a wonderful loving background. I met Scott when I was 17, yes 17 years old! After dating for a few months I realized that he wasn't like most people.
He was insane!
But...I think I am to an extent, so I didn't go running in the other direction!
He is a middle child as well to two sisters. He lost his dad when he was 7, so his mom raised the three of them. Even though I may refer to his family as an episode of Everybody Loves Raymond, I couldn't have asked for better in-laws!
Well, needless to say Scott and I dated for about 4 years. Then came the surprise of our lives, Ainsley was on the way! Now both of us coming from rather religious backgrounds both of our families were pushing for a wedding before I was due. And yes, that is what happened. Do I regret it, not really, would I ever want a re-do wedding ABSOLUTELY!
You may ask yourself why, well let me tell you!
To start off with I WAS PREGNANT!
I ballooned with Ainsley! Previously being a tiny and petite girl squeezing into things wasn't something I was used to.
Well on this day, my wedding day, I had to squeeze myself into the dress that I bought one month before.
Great start to the best day of my life right!
So it is about the time for the ceremony to start, so I go to put on my shoes, my feet are too wide! So now I am walking down the isle barefoot and unable to breathe. Scott on the other hand looked wonderful. His groomsmen looked well...drunk! GREAT! Scott was so nervous! My dad was the one marrying us and when it came time for Scott to say his vows to me, wait for it....
He didn't look at me once! So really, he married my dad. Fantastic!
As you can imagine the reception went just about as well as everything else.
So needless to say a renewal of vows in a few years would be a very welcome suggestion!
So now that I have vented a bit about that day! We had Ainsley on 09/15/2007. She is now, do the math, two and VERY two years old! I do stay at home with her but I also watch my 11 mo niece Jerri during the day. I definitely didn't know what I was signing up for with that one! Jerri started to crawl and that was the day my sweet little girl turned into this possessive monster. She didn't know what was going on or how Jerri was getting to all of her toys! Now as Jerri is getting even faster and wanting to walk they have become enemies! Seriously! They both swing at each other, Jerri grabs chunks of Ainsley's hair. It's a mess!
This brings me to the question that I ask myself everyday.
Do I really want another one? Do I really want to go through this ALL day and ALL night, EVERYDAY?
I still do not have the answer to that question!